

Discover how to get your child to do what you ask without being met with defiance, backtalk, or mini-meltdowns using the “Get Your Kids to Do What You Ask” poster pack!



Discover how to get your child to do what you ask without being met with defiance, backtalk, or mini mini-meltdowns using the “Get Your Kids to Do What You Ask” poster pack!


These 3 printable posters show you:

  • How to get your kid to listen without refusal or throwing a fit (you’ll know exactly what to say to get your child out of “Refusal mode” and follow your directions)
  • The secret to getting your kids to do schoolwork without fighting -- even if they’re unmotivated or insist “school work is for school and home is for home.”
  • How to get kids to follow simple directions, help out around the house, and get out of bed without complaining

Please provide your details below to receive your “Get Your Kids to Do What You Ask” poster pack!